Create a Font A-Z

Module 6: The Art of Typography: Font Creation.

This lesson involves you creating your own original font in capital letters from A-Z.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and download the Font WorksheetFont Checklist and Font Rubric or pick them up at the front desk. Make sure you have a pencil.

Next, click on the link Do Typefaces Really Matter? Found at Read and fill out the Font Worksheet.

Once you have accomplished all ten questions on the Font Worksheet you will need to start your Font A-Z and your font name. Please visit and for inspiration. Make sure to review the Font Checklist and Font Rubric for specifics.

Instructions for the creating your own font:

1.     The best way to create an original font is to look at other fonts and find ones you like. You will need to go to and and choose 3 different fonts from each site that you find inspiring. You will need to record this on the Font Checklist.

2.     Next, you will decide on a mood and feeling that your font will show. With the student sample the student decide on the feeling of romantic and the mood of love. For the Boring Lesson font, the mood is crazy and the feeling is bored. Record your feeling and mood for your font on the Font Checklist.

3.     Next, you will need to get journal and sketch out your font. Keep in mind the fonts that inspired you as well as the mood and feel. You will need to draw out the upper case alphabet A-Z.

4.     Once you are done designing your font A-Z you will need to name your font and record it on the Font Checklist. And you will need to use your font and create an icon or logo for your font name using your newly created letters. You may use the light box to trace your letters for the font name.

5.     Lastly, you will need to go over your font letters and font name with a thin Sharpie. You are a font maker. Please fill out the self evaluation part of the Font Rubric.

6. Make sure to turn in the Font Worksheet, Font Checklist and Font Rubric to the correct class hour bin.

Other class examples: 

Font Worksheet

Font Checklist

Font Rubric