Journal Assignments 1-10

View the documents below. Click on the title to download the Journal Assignments and the Journal Assignment Rubric.

Graphic Design 1- Journal Assignments

All work and written answers are to be done on the packet handouts.  Due dates will be given at the take they are handed out. Your Journals are for Prototypes. You will need to go through the design process of inspiration, ideation and implementation.


Assignment #1- Journal #1Part 1. Follow the directions in the video & draw the man 
                           and woman faces below and draw them in your Journal 1 
                           Packet. Finish both sides of each face, add hair and a neck. 
                           Add color to the faces to make a detail POP.
                           Part 2. After the faces are drawn pick one of the bodies 
                           types and draw in your Journal Packet. 30 points.

Assignment #2- Journal #2. Create 2 different words or logos in You
will need to take a screen shot (command, shift 4) of each and place each image in a word doc and email them to me ( Please make sure file follows this format (yournamegraffiti.doc). I will print them out in color. Once printed and returned you will begin your Journal #2 by designing around your 2 words in COLOR. No empty space. Fill the whole page of each word for full credit. 50 points.

Assignment #3- Journal #3- Avatar and Pattern Exploration. Part 1- fill in the 3- 3x3
                           squares with intricate pattern cells. Part 2- Print a black and 
                           white selfie (head shot) and follow the instructions in class 
                           on how to break up your image into geometric shapes. 
Links to advanced pattern tutorials:
Hexagon 1
Hexagon 2
Geometric Pattern

Assignment #4- Journal 4. 2 Illustrations with Text. 2 Pages. Create 2 illustrations 
                           (one on each page) that include text. Read the details for each 
                           illustration The text should be noticeable. The illustration should 
                           be relevant to the text. Think greeting card, comic book cell or 
                           draw what you can draw and add text to enhance it. Text needs  
                           to be hand drawn. Make sure to create a background or 
                           environment. IN COLOR.  NO EMPTY SPACE. 30 points

Assignment #5- Sketch out Your Book Cover. Create 1 page sketch of your proposed
book cover. Remember it can be a book that is already written or it could be a book made up by you. Make sure to include the characters, environment as well as title and author. This need to be both drawn and colored. You may leave the text off this illustration. However please label the journal the title and author you have chosen.

Assignment #6- Journal #6 Create a Sketch of your Cereal box. 3 pages total. On the 
                           first page fill in all the boxes for the research on your cereal box 
                           research assignment which is to find 3 cereal boxes already made 
                           and fill in the info needed. On the second page you will determine 
                           design details and draw your character IN COLOR. And
                           on the third page, you will design your 2 cereal shapes and an 
                           environment with the bowl filled with cereal. IN COLOR40 points.

Assignment #7- Sketch out your T-shirt. 1 page. For this one page entry you will need to
sketch out your T-shirt design. You may sketch out more than one. You may include an illustration only or add text if you would like to. You will need to title this work.

Assignment #8- Make your Monster 3D. 3 pages. Every design should have a purpose,
audience and client. For the first page you will sketch out your monsters. What it would look like if it were an illustration. Make sure to include an environment. On the second page you will draw the parts of the 3D monster that will make it 3D. You must have 4 legs (for stability), horns or ears and wings or arms. On the third page write out your 5 sentence story about your monster for a 5 year old you.

Assignment #9- Non-Profit Poster Sketch. 2 Pages. Pick 2 different nonprofits that you
                        feel strongly about and create a single page design for each one. You will
need to include a logo (you may copy theirs but you have to draw it yourself), a character and some fact that makes the viewer pause. Show your great Graphic Design skills!

Assignment #10- Create Your Own Font. 2 Pages. For each page you will create a Font

that is of your own design. Feel free to look at or
for inspiration. Make sure that it is from A-Z both upper and lowercase. Make sure your alphabets have a similar style from the beginning to the end.



Journal #2