Lesson 4: Graffiti Creator



Before you begin this project you will need to read the article, linked below or grab a copy, as well as watch the two short videos. You will need to either download the Graffiti Worksheet or pick one up by the copies of the article along with the Graffiti Project and Graffiti Rubric with a self evaluation. All sheets are located after the samples of the projects at the bottom of this page.

Part 1: Module 2 Reading

Read the following article and answer 1-7 on the Graffiti Worksheet.

After answering the questions 1-7 on the article. Watch the 2 videos and answer 8-10 on the Graffiti Worksheet. 

Once you have finished the Graffiti Worksheet you may begin your Graffiti Project. Make sure to review the Graffiti Rubric before you begin and review the Graffiti ProjecChecklist as well and fill out the Client Description.

If you need inspiration you may want to check out the 30 Great Examples of Graffiti Art by Nisha Patel found at http://slodive.com/inspiration/showcase/graffiti-art/.

2 other articles worth reading are on the Modern Met website and they are:
10 Key Moments in Street Art History That Made Graffiti a Beloved International Art Form and
10 Street Artists You Should Know

Part 2- Graffiti Project

Once you have finished the Graffiti Worksheet you will need to go to graffiticreator.net and create 2 DIFFERENT WORDS you can illustrate using the one of the nine different fonts.

Pay close attention to changing the colors on you words and make sure to explore the different modes within the font you have chosen. Once you are satisfied with the logo or name you will take a screenshot (press command, shift and 4) and print it to the color printer. Once you have cut the words or individual letters out from the background you will glue it into your Journal. Next you will create an environment for your Graffiti to live. See samples below. 

What message is your Graffiti sending to the viewer?

Make sure to fill out the self evaluation before turning in your Graffiti Rubric along with Graffiti ProjecChecklist with the Client Description filled in. When you are finished, turn the Graffiti Rubric in with your Graffiti Worksheet to the correct hour bin. Make sure you staple them together and your name is on both papers.  And turn your Journal with the Graffiti into the right hour crate.  Again make sure your name is on the cover of your Journals.        Lesson 4: Gaffiti Creator

Use the online program called Graffiti Creator. Use 2 different fonts to create 2 different words you can illustrate. 

Option 1:
1. Save your designs by taking a screenshot and print.
2. Hand draw the word in the graffiti style.

Once you have your 2 word printed or drawn on the Journal #2 sheet you will need to draw something around the word that accents it. 80% needs to be in COLOR!

Samples of work:

Assignment #2Journal #2. Create 2 different words or logos in graffiticreator.net. You
will need to take a screen shot (command, shift 4) of each and place each image in a word doc and email them to me (giltnerm@aaps.k12.mi.us) Please make sure file follows this format (yournamegraffiti.doc). I will print them out in color. Once printed and returned you will begin your Journal #2 by designing around your 2 words in COLOR. No empty space. Fill the whole page of each word for full credit. 100 points.

If you would like to learn more about Graffiti please view the video Art Or Not? Shepard Fairey below on Shepard Fairey the creator of the Obama Hope poster or look over the classroom copy of the book Graffiti New York by Eric Felisbret.